Essential Vitamins For Women That You Need To Know About...

Vitamin A

Found in  yellow-green vegetables like mangoes, papayas, spinach, carrots as well as egg yolk, milk. This is required for healthy teeth and soft tissues.

Vitamin B12

Found in eggs and milk as well as in sprouts. Vitamin B12 also helps the body in keeping nerves healthy and in DNA synthesis.

Vitamin C

Found in citrus fruits like oranges, lemon, amla, and Brussels . Helps body make collagen & in healing wounds and repairing teeth and bones.

Vitamin D

Found in dairy products in small amounts, but mostly, found in sun. It helps to absorb calcium. Soak in early morning sun to get your daily dose.

Vitamin K

Found in cauliflower and Kale. It plays an essential role during pregnancy and responsible for the neural development of the fetus.


Found in nuts and chocolate. Biotin is essential for strengthening hair and nails.